Session 8: Prayers for Ukraine
Robyn Arbogast Robyn Arbogast

Session 8: Prayers for Ukraine

This session is a little different. Less of a session and more of a plea for healing energy to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

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Session 7: Perspective
Robyn Arbogast Robyn Arbogast

Session 7: Perspective

It's all about perspective y'all! This session focuses putting yourself in other's shoes. You only know what you know.

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Session 5: Intuition (pt 2)
Robyn Arbogast Robyn Arbogast

Session 5: Intuition (pt 2)

Join me for part 2 of our chat on Intuition. We talked about what intuition actually is and now we are going to break down the differences between our intuition and our ego. Which one will you listen to? Will you take the time to listen to your higher self or stay the same as you are. It's a decision only you can make.

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Session 4: Intuition (pt 1)
Robyn Arbogast Robyn Arbogast

Session 4: Intuition (pt 1)

It's time to go deep. Listen to the feelings going on inside of you. That my friend is your intuition. Your intuition is a beautiful thing, right inside of you. Everyone has it and you have the power to help it strengthen. Take time to learn and grow.

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Session 3: Love Yo Self
Robyn Arbogast Robyn Arbogast

Session 3: Love Yo Self

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’ve decided to rant a little about women and self-love. This is your warning.

Are you showing yourself the love you desire or is your {lack of} self-esteem and self-confidence tearing you done? Join me as I talk about giving yourself grace and showing yourself some (much deserved) love.

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Session 2: Grounding SOS Plan
Robyn Arbogast Robyn Arbogast

Session 2: Grounding SOS Plan

Let's talk about grounding. Why do we ground? How should you ground? I believe in creating a Grounding SOS Plan so you have it ready when you need it, because sorry babe but at some point you are going to need it. Be ready.

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Session 1: Intro
Robyn Arbogast Robyn Arbogast

Session 1: Intro

In this session, meet me, Robyn, and Pure Synergy. This podcast is created to help you be well through all the facets of life. Learn a little about me and about the work I do. Don't forget to subscribe so we can hang out!

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