Your Key to Inner peace??
Want to know one of the first things I work with almost every single client with no matter what issues or circumstances brought them to me?
Boundaries (or lack there of)
Boundaries should be a huge part of everyone’s life and sanity. Everyone is aware of basic boundaries, such as when to say no and inappropriate touching, but what about those that protect you within the spiritual realm or your even you whole psyche. This is something that is greatly overlooked but can make the difference in internal chaos and inner peace.
All right. Let’s real talk now...
Why is it when we (specifically you ladies out there), when we do not create boundaries in our life, then instead of it affecting all the other things in our life, it messes with how we care for ourselves.
It's not cool, so not cool!
When we don't create boundaries in our life, we use the excuse “I'm too… busy. tired. overwhelmed” to do things like go to yoga, get a massage, hang out with our friends or read a book because we've got so much on our plates. That is just because we haven't created boundaries.
Then when these things and opportunities come into our lives, the first thing we think/say is, “Oh, I can't, I can't do that for me because I've got too much to do.” If you were creating stronger boundaries, specifically boundaries that are really meant to protect you, boundaries that are there and set in place to bring you more peace in your life, then what would happen?
If you're happy and healthy and balanced, your family/home/life would also be happier, healthier, and more balanced. Have you ever heard this old saying?
“If Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”
Well, we don't listen to that. And that, my lovely, has got to change!
If you want to have more peace, more balance, more happiness in your life, then it is up to you to create boundaries.
Boundaries are there and meant to protect you, to protect you from yourself, to protect you from energy vampires, to protect you from all the things and people personally and professionally; spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. They are created by you to protect you so that you can leave live a happier, healthier life, in balance and in full alignment.
Whether you learn about boundaries from me or someone else, you owe it to yourself to invest this time. I would love to be there for you and help you to create that peace in your life. I created a mini course of 5 modules to help you do just that and I promise I won't take too much of your time. 😘
1) Boundaries & Absolutes
2) Physical Boundaries
3) Mental Boundaries
4) Spiritual Boundaries
5) Using Boundaries