Have you check out a wellness/business/trade/news website in the last couple of years? Life Coach is a major buzz word right now! Maybe it’s because people are struggling with direction, maybe it’s because people are lacking motivation to take the next steps or maybe, just maybe, people are realizing that having someone in your corner that isn’t family or that isn’t trying to “fix” them is exactly what they need in these crazy times. They are ready to grow and become the people that they were meant to be but they know they need a little support on the way.
There are coaches for professionals, businesses, athletes, teens, women only (that’s us) and just about every other demographic out there. With so many types of coaches, there are just as many different life coaching styles and even more opinions as to which is best.
Here is a simple list of what you can expect from the coaching relationship:
Visionary: A coach helps you envision your desired outcome.
Strategist: A coach helps you map out a plan to reach your goals.
Partner: A coach helps you reach the desired goal.
Trainer: A coach teaches you the skills, strategies and techniques to address your concerns.
Resource: A coach provides resources and connections to ensure your success.
Listener: A coach listens.
Motivator: A coach inspires.
Supporter: A coach provides support in difficult times.
Advisor: A coach offers advice to help you grow.
Guide: A coach helps you get and stay on track.
Helper: A coach assists you with difficult assignments.
Assertive: A coach is direct when needed.
Accountability: A coach helps you reach your goals by checking in regularly.
If you’re looking for a life coach, please reach out or check out our coaching services. We also welcome you to become a Balanced Babe!